It is very cold in the mountains of Haiti. Newborn Hatian Babies suffer in the cold. Now you can help these children and their mothers. For only $25.00 you can send a mountain child a warm fleece blanket. This price includes blanket, transportation, and cusotms tax. These quality fleece blankets are made from one yard of material and double layered and tied around the edges. If you or your ladies group prefer to make these blankets, you may do so. Let us know if you have them and we will supply the address for you to ship them to. You will be required to pay the UPS or postage to Florida plus $1.00 per pound to Haiti.
Contact Jim and Gayle
P.O. Box 22
Chillicothe, Mo. 64601
E-mail haitihob@gmail.com
Orphanage - Haitian Products - Sponsor a Child - How You can Help |